The 3D View Analyzer will change the color of each object (only in the viewport) depending on its polycount. the color difference will be in a gradient way, with blue meaning low polycount, and red meaning high polycount.

- Complete – The Scene Analyzer will run in the complete scene, including hidden and excluded objects
- In View – The Scene Analyzer will run only in objects in view
- Selected – The Scene Analyzer will run only in selected objects
Run/Clear – Toggle On/Off the Scene Analyzer
Addon Preferences

Store Original Colors
Store the original color of each object in the scene before using the Scene Analyzer Tool. (If enabled, may impact performance when using the tool, enable it only if you need this feature)
Include Modifiers in Vertice Count
By Default, Blender Object Data does not store vertices with non-applied modifiers. By Enabling this option, the addon will use another method to get the vertice count of objects with modifiers. (If enabled, may impact performance when using the tool, enable it only if you need this feature)